starmap sketchpad fandom mp3 milan's webbed site

welcome to base! right now it's made with poor impulse control and held together with spit and glue. we keep general stuff here, it's the center of this star system... a system of 1, for now.

While I figure things out, you can find me over at Tumblr here! My plans for the site are still very bare-bones, partly because I've obviously never coded a whole site from scratch or anything really before and partly because I'm still finding out all the things I would like to add to my little star system in da wide webs. So, for a good while, this will be mostly hopes and dreams and not a lot of actual website.
Also! I can't always dedicate much time to learning html and actually coding, so yeah! It's a sloooow work in progress. Also also, I'm making it without paying much attention to how it looks in mobile so...yeah. Don't look at this in your phone.


can you read me?